Collection: LTE Category 1

What is LTE CAT1
CAT1 is an LTE UE category explicitly designed for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) and IoT applications. To save energy and costs for a large-scale or long-range IoT system, bandwidth and communication demands are reduced. 

Explorer Gateway LTE M

LTE CAT1 supports downlink speeds of 10 Mbit/s and uplinks of 5 Mbit/s. And it's best suited to use cases that depend on both high-speed data transmission and 4G network reliability.   

CAT1 is the only fully functional cellular IoT option today, and is being used to create the link between IoT devices and existing LTE networks in early attempts. 

Advantages of LTE CAT1
High data throughput
Low latency for the wake-up application
Wider global coverage

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